Homeopathy for Doulas and Birth Workers
Do you work with pregnant women and birthing people?
- Would you like to add to your labour and birth toolkit?
- Would you like to improve your skill base?
- Would you like to enable mothers and babies feel more supported emotionally physically and mentally in their birthing and postnatal journeys?
- Would you like to enable mothers to feel supported in a gentle natural way?
- Would you like to learn a skill that can support other tools that you have already offered your clients?
Are you currently pregnant?
- Would you like to have access to a great tool that supports you both emotionally and physically in your pregnancy, labour birth and postnatal journeys?
- Are you looking for natural ways to empower and support yourself in our increasingly medicalised birthing culture?
- Are you looking to add to your self care, nourishment, recovery and support plan for your babymoon and in the postnatal period?
- Are you looking for a connection to your sacred woman’s wisdom?
- Are you looking to reclaim your mothering and birthing self irrespective of what type of birth you are planning?
If so, then this course is for you!
Dates and delivery
This course will be delivered in person at Insight Matters Dublin 1, live streamed on zoom and available by playback. Course date is 5th October 2025 10 am – 4pm
How can homeopathy help?
I. Homeopathy can help with emotional symptoms that often arise in early labour such as nervousness, apprehension and overwhelm.
2. Homeopathy can help you ease physical symptoms that are slowing a labour down
3. Homeopathy can be used in early and active labour, at home or in hospital.
4. Homeopathy is particularly helpful for supporting the many symptoms associated with new motherhood.
5. Homeopathy can help ease the discomfort of symptoms when breastfeeding becomes difficult or painful.
6. Homeopathy supports the planning a normal birth without interventions, a birth with pharmacological pain relief and a caesarean birth.
Using homeopathy to support mothers partners labour birth and the postnatal
Homeopathy helps with the many emotional symptoms of labour, such as anxiety, fear and the feeling of being overwhelmed.
These symptoms arise irrespective of what type of birth people are planning and can often arise even with established childbirth preparation techniques.
Homeopathy enables people to feel more balanced and therefore optimises their focus and use of other supports such as visualisations and breathing. If you know how to use it effectively it can add to other support methods and even make them more effective.
Homeopathy also works effectively with physical symptoms, it can ease the symptoms of exhaustion and the symptoms of a slow labour, or also those symptoms of “holding back”.
In the postpartum period homeopathy helps to support the experience of giving birth. It helps to rebalance the symptoms of hormonal fluctuation as well as working well to support the emotional symptoms mothers experience.
This course is geared towards doulas and birth workers, pregnant women and birthing people.
Why I love homeopathy
I first came into contact with homeopathy when I was in the birth pool having a long labour with my first child. My midwife offered me a remedy and tried it and my labour took a different direction. Later on when my son had colicky symptoms my midwife again turned to homeopathy and I noticed his discomfort easing.
From that moment on I endeavoured to find out more about it and a year later I was on a four year course training to become a professional licensed homeopath.
Twenty four years later as a doula, homeopath and Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), I regularly lecture at the Irish Society of Homeopaths CPD training courses on all aspects of the female reproductive system, in particular on babies and childbirth.
I have supported hundreds of people in labour and probably thousands of new mothers in the postpartum with homeopathy.
I cant imagine being a doula without its support, and I can’t imagine birthing or being a new mother without it’s comfort.
In this training I offer you the benefit of my 24 years of experience and wisdom of both doula work and homeopathic prescribing!
I genuinely believe this is a completely unique course and offers incredible insights for anyone looking to take supporting their own birth or the birth of others to the next level.
What will you learn?
At the end of the course you will have a basic idea of how homeopathy supports people during this intense time of transition and also what remedies match which symptoms.
You will also have an idea of how to use a basic homeopathic birth kit, what doses and strengths of remedies are appropriate in which circumstances, how remedies can be taken and we will talk a bit about creating your own bespoke birth and postpartum kit.
Course outline
The course will look at the main homeopathic remedies that are helpful in late pregnancy, labour birth and the postpartum and will include the following topics and much more:
Homeopathy and symptoms in pregnancy:
- Support for supporting a healthy pregnancy
- Support for when it feels like difficult decisions need to be made
- Support for when pregnancy is progressing beyond 40 weeks
Homeopathy and symptoms during labour:
- Support for when it feels labour is progressing too quickly
- Support for when labour feels labour has gone on for a long time and tiredness and exhaustion set in
- Support for when people feel anxious or frightened
- Support for when people feel overwhelmed or distressed
- Support for the symptoms of a back labour
Homeopathy and postnatal support:
- Support for the symptoms of bruising and soft tissue stress after birth
- Support for post birth symptoms such as tears, grazes, cuts and scars
- Support for the symptoms of mastitis
- Support for experiencing symptoms of overwhelm
- Support for processing birth experiences
Special circumstances:
We will also look at supporting the experience of loss.
How to effectively use homeopathic remedies:
We will look at potency (how strong should a remedy be), dosage (how should it be given) and repeats (how often should it be repeated within a certain time span). These issues are the key to effective prescribing and require skill and confidence.
Online support tool
As part of the course you will have access to an online support tool so participants will be able to refer to this to refresh their memories after the course is over!
Manual and Remedy Guide
You will receive a manual and also a remedy differentiation guide.
Homeopathic Remedies
You will have the opportunity to select and buy remedies that you think would be of particular use to you.
All sessions are recorded and you will be able to review these at your leisure.