My basic doula service starts at €1,500, other services or packages may be more or less expensive. I often think how can I show a couple whilst they are in the  middle of pregnancy the value of what seems like a big outlay? I can list off all the services that are included in the package, I can detail the amount of time I will spend with you and the amount of time I will spend waiting for you to go into labour; including sleeping with a mobile phone under my ear for up to six weeks (!); I can explain that I will not be able to visit anyone that lives further than an hour away when I am on call so that I can be ready for your labouring day whenever that might be.

The real value though comes in having me there for you; just you, during your pregnancy and labour journey.; especially in the last couple of months and weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that our natural fears and questions about the unknown arise and in which its great to have someone impartial and not involved directly in your medical care to talk to. I find that I speak to my clients a lot in the last few weeks of pregnancy, especially if they are going past their due dates! I am someone who is on the other end of the phone ready and willing to take your call (ideally within office hours, although I have taken them in the middle of the nigh too!), to listen to anything you have to say; funny stories; questions, fears, hopes; whatever comes up. Someone who walks in with you to the birth suite who knows you; who knows what your hopes are and what your a fearful about, someone who has worked with you to prepare for this day and will stick with you and support you till the end.

And of course  only at the end of the journey, when you feel good about yourself after birth, when you feel positive about mothering your new baby, when breastfeeding is going well, when your partner has felt fully supported in what can be a challenging medical or clinical environment does €1,500 not seem like very much at all!

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