Not all pregnancies end in births. Its a hard thing to contemplate or to even know. I offer support for people who have been told that they will either be facing a loss soon, or are likely to face a loss soon, including  loss through termination of pregnancy. I offer support for up to four weeks, or longer if required. My service includes:

  • Unlimited phone, text and email support from time of booking
  • Attendance at your home or at hospital during the loss or termination or up to six zoom calls enabling you to feel supported in releasing this pregnancy, and enabling you and your family to honour this event if you wish.
  • Homeopathic support to support your emotional mental and physical symptoms
  • Information and support on diet and nutrition afterwards
  • Support for planning your next conception if appropriate

The charge for this service is €800, payable on booking. To discuss this service and to receive immediate support please contact me by phone on 0877543751.
