One of the key issues that receives little attention and yet has a huge affect on the initiation of breastfeeding is the way a mother has given birth.
Pregnancy Birth to Breastfeeding is a continuum.
The way we birth will affect the early days.
The national first-time mother c section rate is now 41%, and we also know that the routine induction of healthy mothers and babies at 38/39 weeks is being actively pursued.
Of the 59% of first time mothers that have had vaginal births, about half of them have had an operative vaginal birth with vacuum cup or forceps, and the majority will have taken an epidural.
We know from reams of research that these procedures will affect the early days and exclusive breastfeeding.
It should not be kept a secret. For some it will affect their birth choices and for others it will inform them how to best prepare for the early hours and days. The majority of mothers want to exclusively feed their babies, and currently we are selling them short.
Achieving exclusive breastfeeding is a result of a complex interplay of factors, information, efficacy, belief, information, support, societal and cultural impacts as well as a compliant body and baby. Wherever we can offer support and increase services we should.
If you want to join my doula training this year and support mothers in their breastfeeding journey find out more here
Currently there are THREE sponsorships for the Comprehensive doula training course of €250 each. To find out more on how to claim one of these please follow this link
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