Fast Labour - what is it and how you can cope

Really fast labours! They might not be all they are cut our to be! In this episode I talk about what a fast labour can be like and how to recognise that a labour is progressing faster than you might think. If a Birth Before Arrival is imminent then I talk about what you can do and how to cope. There are also a good few stories about fast labours and how they ended up!

What you need to know
1. First time labours are about  23 hours. Second time labours are less than half that.
2. Most fast labours are in multipara mothers
3. Look for signs of labour progression; changes in position, changes in frequency of surges, change in demeanor, a latent “not sure ” phase can sometimes quickly develop into transition. If the waters have released with contractions then things are moving along – call the doula, call the midwife midwife or get heading to hospital!
4. Know what to do if a BBA occurs; be prepared for what your baby will look like (purple, covered in fluid and blood), understand basic physiology; the placenta via the umbilical cord keeps oxygen flowing to the baby for those first seconds and minutes. The cord does not need to be cut. Baby needs to be kept warm.
For more on supporting every kind of birth  my Comprehensive Doula Training is open for registrations. 10 moon payment plan also available. More details here
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