Routine induction of labour - why continue to be pregnant?

Routine induction of labour is peddled as a maternity must to pretty much everyone who receives late antenatal care in the Irish maternity services. Its as though the medics have shares in a global syntocinon factory.

But jesting aside – is there any harm in being induced at 39 weeks just for the sake of it? You know – you don’t want to be pregnant forever now do you? Conversely is there any benefit to staying pregnant?

And what of those statistics that are fired at will about inductions at 39 weeks reducing c section rates and limiting the chances of a still birth?

Are they real? Or have they since been shown to be less than reliable?

With our induction rates rocking over 60% for first time mothers in some units and the normalisation of c sections in society today coupled with a c section rate knocking at 50% for first time parents in some units, really understanding the potential harms of induction in otherwise healthy pregnancy is vital. Listen in to find out more.