As modern pregnant women and people, we’re expected to have it all together, to be able to control and determine the journey that our pregnancy labour and birth will take.
We are expected to have made the right preparations, to be connected to our intuition and to trust that our bodies will know what to do.
We are encouraged to take actions such as picking the right consultant, the right hospital or midwife, to eat the right things and to attend antenatal classes, to have researched the best “techniques” and preparation for labour . . .
Yet so many women and pregnant people feel at sea, unprepared and out of control as they approach their third trimester or their birth. Feeling that somehow their preparations have not hit the target, and that despite the best of intentions they still feel uncertain, or overwhelmed with concerns.
We are always told to trust our bodies and that we will intuitively know what to do, yet very rarely is there any guidance or clues given as to how that might happen or how we can enhance our sense of intuition and connection.
For many of us, tapping into our inner guidance and following our intuition with a profound sense of connection to ourselves and our babies isn’t that straight-forward.
Maybe you’ve been really busy during this pregnancy with work commitments, or maybe you have other children that have taken a lot of your time this pregnancy and you haven’t been able to take time just for you and this baby?
Maybe this is not your first pregnancy, and it’s been hard to feel that you can trust your body with ease after your previous experience(es)?
For some of us, slowing down enough and turning inwards to remember our purpose and our power during pregnancy is such a foreign concept it’s almost scary. We want to do it, but find that we are missing the map on what to do next.
Perhaps you’re finding even day-to-day things overwhelming this pregnancy and you know you’re simply not showing up for yourself, in the way you want to.
And for some of us, the negative voices in our minds keep us focused on concerns and worries leaving us feeling that we have no choices, no options, no power, no voice or no autonomy to follow our own intuitive path in this labour and birth.
Have you been compromising your needs hopes and dreams for yourself in this labour and birth? Do you struggle to even identify what they are?
Are you scared you might just fully surrender to people pleasing and end up, going through the motions during this labour and birth, knowing you are agreeing to things you really don’t want?
Have you deeply nurtured yourself in preparation for this labour and birth.
Have you sat with yourself and been curious about where you are in this journey to labour and birth, about how you and your baby will work together and what your deepest resources are?
If you feel you’ve been choosing to stay where you are
but you’re ready to take the leap and follow your dreams for this labour and birth
I’ve crafted this very special Pregnancy Day Retreat in Dublin City Centre for YOU!
REGISTER HERE Sunday May 26th 10am – 4pm
What happens on the retreat?
Drawing on breathwork, gentle movement reflections, journaling, and mythology we’ll explore, nourish and replenish the connections you need – body mind and soul to approach this labour and birth with confidence compassion trust intuition and calm.
- We will start the day by looking at the power of the breath and ways in which it can keep us calm centred and focused, enabling us to cope with whatever we encounter on our birthing journey.
- Next we will have a long luxurious restorative pregnancy yoga and movement session, focusing on encouraging flexibility, strength and tone, enabling our bodies to release and relax and well as working with routines to relieve some of the common aches and pains of pregnancy and what positions might be helpful in labour and why. (Note yoga sessions will be different on each month.)
- Then we will work with a series of processes that have their origins in Birthing from Within, looking at labour and birth as a mental, emotional and spiritual journey, enabling you to recognise and listen to the voice of your deep inner wisdom. We will create practical tools and guides to help you navigate your own personal journey to birth with joy, courage and ease.
- We will also have a practical session designed to offer you practical tools including a question and answer session on how to navigate and respond to the way our maternity service functions in Ireland. In February the focus will be on using homeopathy for labour.
- We will finish our day with a deeply nourishing and relaxing yoga nidra, which will be recorded for you to use at home.
Your intuitive labouring self, is in there. She is powerful and compassionate, has desire, strength and courage. She’s ready for the journey ahead and fiercely committed to living her truest pregnant life and approaching labour with full, glowing expression (even though it can feel scary). Reconnect with her on Retreat with me.
This day is for you if you’re ready to:
- Trust your inner wisdom and connect to your intuition (because it’s in there!)
- Enjoy embodiment practices like Yoga, relaxation visualisation and breathwork to reconnect you to your physical and spiritual self
- Embrace your own sacred feminine.
- Rediscover your inner strength, compassion and courage
- Nourish and replenish yourself for your birthing journey ahead
- Explore any limitations you are placing on your up coming labour and birth
- Unfurl your own map for this labour and birth
- Want to have access to a Q and A with me, one of Ireland’s most experienced doulas
I’ve heard from women and pregnant people who feel blocked somehow in ways that they can’t quite define.
They have concerns and worries about their upcoming labour and birth and a sense of uncertainty about their lack of intuition and inner knowing.
Put that all behind you and join me or a decadent day and make time to:
- Move from overwhelm to ease
- Slow down and tune in
- Enjoy the company of other women who also find themselves thinking, ‘How can I connect to my intuition, my inner knowing for this pregnancy labour and birth?’
- Rediscover what has been hidden and forgotten within you.
- Tap into that deep well of wisdom and trust yourself in this pregnancy and up coming labour and birth
- Re-set your priorities for this labour and birth
Meet Your Guide – Krysia Lynch
As a doula, Birthing from Within Mentor, birth advocate, women’s counsellor, classical homeopath, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Yoga teacher, Krysia draws on the ancient stories, folklore and teachings of women’s wisdom on modern techniques and tools as well as her own experience as a doula for over 22 years and the experiences of her clients to support women to learn and grow in their pregnancies by accessing their own inner wisdom.
If you are ready to embark on a day of adventure that has the capacity to be truly transformative, and spend nourishing time with other women ready to move away from who and what they ‘should’ be in this pregnancy I invite you to join us!
REGISTER HERE Sunday May 26th 10am – 4pm
That voice within you, whispering, already knows it’s time to:
- Dissolve self-limiting beliefs with courage, determination and clarity.
- Learn to discover and trust your truth even in confusing, overwhelming or stressful situations.
- Transform habits and behaviours that are keeping you from leaping into the labour and birth you truly know you want
- Celebrate your beauty in this pregnancy labour and birth – all of it! – once and for all.
- Create space for spiritual work, introspection and deep inner growth in pregnancy labour and birth
- Learn techniques to tap your own Icha Shakti – the Yogic word for divine willpower – to generate what you truly need for this pregnancy labour and birth
Get ready to think bigger, dissolve limiting beliefs and receive your new upgraded mindset to step back into your pregnancy and upcoming birth with clarity, power vision and passion!
What people say about working with Krysia
As a mother of three I thought I would probably know most of what Krysia was going to teach us, boy was I wrong! It was eye-opening to say the least! It was wonderful to be surrounded my like minded people, who were just so positive and supportive. Krysia’s course has had such a positive impact on my life. I learnt so much about myself. I have always been a positive and open minded person but now even more so and with confidence. So if you have any inkling about doing Krysia’s course, just contact her for a chat. I can personally guarantee you won’t regret it!
Michelle, (Mama Knows best Doula Service) Dublin