What is the Power Hour?

The Power Hour is a one to one Doula Support Hour with Dr. Krysia Lynch, one of Ireland’s leading doulas, birth advocates and Doula Trainer. its available when you need it and for WHATEVER you need it for.

Do you have questions about your labour and birth?

Do you have questions about your birth preferences?

Do you feel you are being forced into an induction?

Are you concerned that you are not being listened to at your appointments?

Would you like more evidenced based information?

If the answer to any of the above is yes, then maybe the power hour is for you?

What you get?

You get a one to one zoom hour or phone hour with me to support you and your partner in whatever context you need. Antenatally, many people use it for asking about tests and scans or to clarify conversations that they have had with their health care providers. It may also be that circumstances have changed about your risk status and so now you may need to alter your birth preferences or the way you approach your upcoming labour or birth. Postnatally, people have questions about feeding, recovery, baby care and sometimes debriefing their experience. Whatever it is that you want to discuss I am here to help you!


What are some of the common things people want to talk about?

  1. Birth choices
  2. Choice in care provider
  3. Antenatal tests and scans
  4. Gestational Diabetes – what does the test involve and what happens if I test positive?
  5. Going over dates – what this means for the rest of my pregnancy – what are the risks and what are my options?
  6. Big baby diagnosis – how this might change my birth preferences and what can I do
  7. Polyhrdramnious – how this might affect my birth preferences
  8. I have been told that I need to be induced – what are my options?
  9. How can my partner help me in advocating for my choices?
  10. Evidence based information on electronic fetal monitoring
  11. Questions about my VBAC
  12. Preparing to breastfeed

How much is it?

The Power Hour is €175, payable in advance.

Want to chat for an hour?

Click below to secure your session and get the support you need

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More information and to book your exact time email hello@krysia.ie

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