Homebirth as a choice in maternity care
This podcast looks at why people choose homebirth, and why its a valid safe choice for many women and pregnant people. I also look at the three pathways to homebirth care in Ireland and what you get in terms of one to one care in each one.
This podcast looks at why people choose homebirth, and why its a valid safe choice for many women and pregnant people. I also look at the three pathways to homebirth care in Ireland and what you get in terms of one to one care in each one.
Your choices in maternity care
Choices in our maternity care services. Are there any choices? Do you know what they are? Listen in to find out more. Want to support people in their choices? If so maybe Doula Training is for you?
Choices in our maternity care services. Are there any choices? Do you know what they are? Listen in to find out more. Want to support people in their choices? If so maybe Doula Training is for you? Find out more here