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In this episode of the Doulaverse podcast I discuss issues associated with a recent study published in the Lancet on Home Induction for women with uncomplicated pregnancies at 39 weeks.
Some of the topics I touch upon are:
1. Why would we investigate home induction as a way of taking low risk mothers or of a hospital environment? Why are we not simple enabling them to have home births for example?
2. The high numbers (more than 50% of first time mothers in most units) being induced is not a free consensual choice and should NEVER be used as a rationale for encouraging more inductions
3. Why are we transforming healthy mother into risky mothers?
4. The process and risks of induction, including c section increased pain and medicalised experience
5. How this study fits in with with current national guidance and other studies
The study can be found here:
Hannah Dahlen’s 2021 articlein the British Medical Journal on the fact that inductions for uncomplicated pregnancies are not necessarily safe for babies (in addition to mothers) can be found here: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/ content/11/6/e047040
If you want to find out how to support women who opt for induction, or who don’t and how to support women to ask for information about birth options and receive informed consent then my doula training is for you.
More details here:https://dublindoula.com/ doula-training-course-with- krysia-lynch/
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